Source code for pwnypack.flow

The Flow module lets you connect to processes or network services using a
unified API. It is primarily designed for synchronous communication flows.

It is based around the central :class:`Flow` class which uses a ``Channel``
to connect to a process. The :class:`Flow` class then uses the primitives
exposed by the ``Channel`` to provide a high level API for reading/receiving
and writing/sending data.

    >>> from pwny import *
    >>> f = Flow.connect_tcp('', 80)
    >>> f.writelines([
    ...     b'GET / HTTP/1.0',
    ...     b'Host:',
    ...     b'',
    ... ])
    >>> line = f.readline().strip()
    >>> print(line == b'HTTP/1.0 200 OK')
    >>> f.until(b'\\r\\n\\r\\n')
    >>> f.read_eof(echo=True)
    ... lots of html ...

    >>> from pwny import *
    >>> f = Flow.execute('cat')
    >>> f.writeline(b'hello')
    >>> f.readline(echo=True)

import subprocess
import sys
import socket
import select
    import paramiko
except ImportError:

__all__ = [

[docs]class ProcessChannel(object): """ProcessChannel(executable, argument..., redirect_stderr=False) This channel type allows controlling processes. It uses python's ``subprocess.Popen`` class to execute a process and allows you to communicate with it. Args: executable(str): The executable to start. argument...(list of str): The arguments to pass to the executable. redirect_stderr(bool): Whether to also capture the output of stderr. """ def __init__(self, executable, *arguments, **kwargs): if kwargs.get('redirect_stderr'): stderr = subprocess.STDOUT else: stderr = None self._process = subprocess.Popen( (executable,) + tuple(arguments), bufsize=0, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=stderr, )
[docs] def fileno(self): """ Return the file descriptor number for the stdout channel of this process. """ return self._process.stdout.fileno()
[docs] def read(self, n): """ Read *n* bytes from the subprocess' output channel. Args: n(int): The number of bytes to read. Returns: bytes: *n* bytes of output. Raises: EOFError: If the process exited. """ d = b'' while n: try: block = except ValueError: block = None if not block: self._process.poll() raise EOFError('Process ended') d += block n -= len(block) return d
[docs] def write(self, data): """ Write *n* bytes to the subprocess' input channel. Args: data(bytes): The data to write. Raises: EOFError: If the process exited. """ self._process.poll() if self._process.returncode is not None: raise EOFError('Process ended') self._process.stdin.write(data)
[docs] def close(self): """ Wait for the subprocess to exit. """ self._process.communicate()
[docs] def kill(self): """ Terminate the subprocess. """ self._process.kill()
[docs]class SocketChannel(object): """ This channel type allows controlling sockets. Args: socket(socket.socket): The (already connected) socket to control. """ def __init__(self, sock): self._socket = sock
[docs] def fileno(self): """ Return the file descriptor number for the socket. """ return self._socket.fileno()
[docs] def read(self, n): """ Receive *n* bytes from the socket. Args: n(int): The number of bytes to read. Returns: bytes: *n* bytes read from the socket. Raises: EOFError: If the socket was closed. """ d = b'' while n: try: block = self._socket.recv(n) except socket.error: block = None if not block: raise EOFError('Socket closed') d += block n -= len(block) return d
[docs] def write(self, data): """ Send *n* bytes to socket. Args: data(bytes): The data to send. Raises: EOFError: If the socket was closed. """ while data: try: n = self._socket.send(data) except socket.error: n = None if not n: raise EOFError('Socket closed') data = data[n:]
[docs] def close(self): """ Close the socket gracefully. """ self._socket.close()
[docs] def kill(self): """ Shut down the socket immediately. """ self._socket.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) self._socket.close()
[docs]class TCPClientSocketChannel(SocketChannel): """ Convenience subclass of :class:`SocketChannel` that allows you to connect to a TCP hostname / port pair easily. Args: host(str): The hostname or IP address to connect to. port(int): The port number to connect to. """ def __init__(self, host, port): s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect((host, port)) super(TCPClientSocketChannel, self).__init__(s)
class TCPServerSocketChannel(SocketChannel): """ Convenience subclass of :class:`SocketChannel` that waits for a remote client to connect. Args: host(str): The hostname or IP address to connect to. Defaults to all IP adresses. port(int): The port number to connect to. Defaults to a random port chosen by the OS. """ def __init__(self, host='', port=0): s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) s.bind((host, port)) s.listen(1) cs, _ = s.accept() s.close() super(TCPServerSocketChannel, self).__init__(cs) if HAVE_PARAMIKO: class SSHClient(paramiko.client.SSHClient): """ Wrapper around Paramiko's SSHClient that produces Flow instances when calling :meth:`SSHClient.execute` and :meth:`SSHClient.invoke_shell`. Since `pwnypack` is usually used for CTFs, the missing host key policy is set to warn and accept. """ def __init__(self): super(SSHClient, self).__init__() self.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.client.WarningPolicy()) def execute(self, command, pty=False, echo=False): """ Execute `command` on the server this :class:`SSHClient` instance is connected to. Args: command(str): The command to execute on the remote server. pty(bool): Request a pseudo-terminal from the server. Note: If this is `False` (the default) then `stderr` will be combined into `stdout` to prevent the buffers from filling up. echo(bool): Whether to write the read data to stdout. Returns: :class:`Flow`: A Flow instance initialised with the SSH channel. """ channel = self.get_transport().open_session() if pty: channel.get_pty() else: channel.set_combine_stderr(True) channel.exec_command(command) return Flow(SocketChannel(channel), echo=echo) def invoke_shell(self, pty=True, echo=False): """ Start a new shell on the server this :class:`SSHClient` is connected to. Args: pty(bool): Request a pseudo-terminal from the server. Note: If this is `False` then `stderr` will be combined into `stdout` to prevent the buffers from filling up. echo(bool): Whether to write the read data to stdout. Returns: :class:`Flow`: A Flow instance initialised with the SSH channel. """ channel = self.get_transport().open_session() if pty: channel.get_pty() else: channel.set_combine_stderr(True) channel.invoke_shell() return Flow(SocketChannel(channel), echo=echo) else: class SSHClient(object): def __init__(self): raise NotImplementedError('pwnypack\'s ssh functionality depends on paramiko, please install it.')
[docs]class Flow(object): """ The core class of *Flow*. Takes a channel and exposes synchronous utility functions for communications. Usually, you'll use the convenience classmethods :meth:`connect_tcp` or :meth:`execute` instead of manually creating the constructor directly. Args: channel(``Channel``): A channel. echo(bool): Whether or not to echo all input / output. """ def __init__(self, channel, echo=False): = channel self.echo = echo
[docs] def read(self, n, echo=None): """ Read *n* bytes from the channel. Args: n(int): The number of bytes to read from the channel. echo(bool): Whether to write the read data to stdout. Returns: bytes: *n* bytes of data. Raises: EOFError: If the channel was closed. """ d = if echo or (echo is None and self.echo): sys.stdout.write(d.decode('latin1')) sys.stdout.flush() return d
[docs] def read_eof(self, echo=None): """ Read until the channel is closed. Args: echo(bool): Whether to write the read data to stdout. Returns: bytes: The read data. """ d = b'' while True: try: d +=, echo) except EOFError: return d
[docs] def read_until(self, s, echo=None): """ Read until a certain string is encountered.. Args: s(bytes): The string to wait for. echo(bool): Whether to write the read data to stdout. Returns: bytes: The data up to and including *s*. Raises: EOFError: If the channel was closed. """ s_len = len(s) buf =, echo) while buf[-s_len:] != s: buf +=, echo) return buf
until = read_until #: Alias of :meth:`read_until`.
[docs] def readlines(self, n, echo=None): """ Read *n* lines from channel. Args: n(int): The number of lines to read. echo(bool): Whether to write the read data to stdout. Returns: list of bytes: *n* lines which include new line characters. Raises: EOFError: If the channel was closed before *n* lines were read. """ return [ self.until(b'\n', echo) for _ in range(n) ]
[docs] def readline(self, echo=None): """ Read 1 line from channel. Args: echo(bool): Whether to write the read data to stdout. Returns: bytes: The read line which includes new line character. Raises: EOFError: If the channel was closed before a line was read. """ return self.readlines(1, echo)[0]
[docs] def write(self, data, echo=None): """ Write data to channel. Args: data(bytes): The data to write to the channel. echo(bool): Whether to echo the written data to stdout. Raises: EOFError: If the channel was closed before all data was sent. """ if echo or (echo is None and self.echo): sys.stdout.write(data.decode('latin1')) sys.stdout.flush()
[docs] def writelines(self, lines, sep=b'\n', echo=None): """ Write a list of byte sequences to the channel and terminate them with a separator (line feed). Args: lines(list of bytes): The lines to send. sep(bytes): The separator to use after each line. echo(bool): Whether to echo the written data to stdout. Raises: EOFError: If the channel was closed before all data was sent. """ self.write(sep.join(lines + [b'']), echo)
[docs] def writeline(self, line=b'', sep=b'\n', echo=None): """ Write a byte sequences to the channel and terminate it with carriage return and line feed. Args: line(bytes): The line to send. sep(bytes): The separator to use after each line. echo(bool): Whether to echo the written data to stdout. Raises: EOFError: If the channel was closed before all data was sent. """ self.writelines([line], sep, echo)
[docs] def close(self): """ Gracefully close the channel. """
[docs] def kill(self): """ Terminate the channel immediately. """
[docs] def interact(self): """ Interact with the socket. This will send all keyboard input to the socket and input from the socket to the console until an EOF occurs. """ sockets = [sys.stdin,] while True: ready =, [], [])[0] if sys.stdin in ready: line = sys.stdin.readline().encode('latin1') if not line: break self.write(line) if in ready:, echo=True)
[docs] def execute(cls, executable, *arguments, **kwargs): """execute(executable, argument..., redirect_stderr=False, echo=False): Set up a :class:`ProcessChannel` and create a :class:`Flow` instance for it. Args: executable(str): The executable to start. argument...(list of str): The arguments to pass to the executable. redirect_stderr(bool): Whether to also capture the output of stderr. echo(bool): Whether to echo read/written data to stdout by default. Returns: :class:`Flow`: A Flow instance initialised with the process channel. """ echo = kwargs.pop('echo', False) return cls(ProcessChannel(executable, *arguments, **kwargs), echo=echo)
[docs] def connect_tcp(cls, host, port, echo=False): """ Set up a :class:`TCPClientSocketChannel` and create a :class:`Flow` instance for it. Args: host(str): The hostname or IP address to connect to. port(int): The port number to connect to. echo(bool): Whether to echo read/written data to stdout by default. Returns: :class:`Flow`: A Flow instance initialised with the TCP socket channel. """ return cls(TCPClientSocketChannel(host, port), echo=echo)
[docs] def listen_tcp(cls, host='', port=0, echo=False): """ Set up a :class:`TCPServerSocketChannel` and create a :class:`Flow` instance for it. Args: host(str): The hostname or IP address to bind to. port(int): The port number to listen on. echo(bool): Whether to echo read/written data to stdout by default. Returns: :class:`Flow`: A Flow instance initialised with the TCP socket channel. """ return cls(TCPServerSocketChannel(host, port), echo=echo)
[docs] def connect_ssh(*args, **kwargs): """ Create a new connected :class:`SSHClient` instance. All arguments are passed to :meth:`SSHClient.connect`. """ client = SSHClient() client.connect(*args, **kwargs) return client
[docs] def execute_ssh(cls, command, *args, **kwargs): """execute_ssh(command, arguments..., pty=False, echo=False) Execute `command` on a remote server. It first calls :meth:`Flow.connect_ssh` using all positional and keyword arguments, then calls :meth:`SSHClient.execute` with the command and pty / echo options. Args: command(str): The command to execute on the remote server. arguments...: The options for the SSH connection. pty(bool): Request a pseudo-terminal from the server. echo(bool): Whether to echo read/written data to stdout by default. Returns: :class:`Flow`: A Flow instance initialised with the SSH channel. """ pty = kwargs.pop('pty', False) echo = kwargs.pop('echo', False) client = cls.connect_ssh(*args, **kwargs) f = client.execute(command, pty=pty, echo=echo) f.client = client return f
[docs] def invoke_ssh_shell(cls, *args, **kwargs): """invoke_ssh(arguments..., pty=False, echo=False) Star a new shell on a remote server. It first calls :meth:`Flow.connect_ssh` using all positional and keyword arguments, then calls :meth:`SSHClient.invoke_shell` with the pty / echo options. Args: arguments...: The options for the SSH connection. pty(bool): Request a pseudo-terminal from the server. echo(bool): Whether to echo read/written data to stdout by default. Returns: :class:`Flow`: A Flow instance initialised with the SSH channel. """ pty = kwargs.pop('pty', True) echo = kwargs.pop('echo', False) client = cls.connect_ssh(*args, **kwargs) f = client.invoke_shell(pty=pty, echo=echo) f.client = client return f