Source code for

The :class:`Target` class describes the architecture of a targeted machine,
executable or environment. It encodes the generic architecture, the word
size, the byte order and an architecture dependant mode.

It is used throughout *pwnypack* to determine how data should be interpreted
or emitted.

import platform
from enum import IntEnum, Enum
import sys

__all__ = [

[docs]class Target(object):
[docs] class Arch(Enum): """ Describes the general architecture of a target. """ x86 = 'x86' #: X86 architecture. arm = 'arm' #: ARM architecture. unknown = 'unknown' #: Any other architecture.
[docs] class Bits(IntEnum): """ The target architecture's word size. """ bits_32 = 32 #: 32 bit word size. bits_64 = 64 #: 64 bit word size.
[docs] class Endian(IntEnum): """ The target architecture's byte order. """ little = 0 #: Little endian. big = 1 #: Big endian.
[docs] class Mode(IntEnum): """ Architecture dependant mode flags. """ arm_v8 = 1 << 0 #: Use ARM V8 instruction set arm_thumb = 1 << 1 #: Use ARM Thumb instruction set arm_m_class = 1 << 2 #: Use ARMv7-M instruction set
_DEFAULT_ARCH = { 'i386': Arch.x86, 'x86_64': Arch.x86, } _VALID_BITS = {} _DEFAULT_BITS = { Arch.x86: Bits.bits_32, Arch.arm: Bits.bits_32, } _VALID_ENDIAN = { Arch.x86: [Endian.little], } _DEFAULT_ENDIAN = { Arch.x86: Endian.little, Arch.arm: Endian.little, } _arch = None _bits = None _endian = None _mode = None def __init__(self, arch=None, bits=None, endian=None, mode=0): if arch is None: arch = self._DEFAULT_ARCH.get(platform.machine(), Target.Arch.unknown) if bits is None: bits = Target.Bits(64 if platform.architecture()[0] == '64bit' else 32) if endian is None: endian = Target.Endian.__members__[sys.byteorder] self.arch = arch self.bits = bits self.endian = endian self.mode = mode @property def arch(self): """ The target's architecture. One of :class:`Target.Arch`. """ return self._arch @arch.setter def arch(self, arch): if arch is None: arch = Target.Arch.unknown self._arch = Target.Arch(arch) @property def bits(self): """ The target architecture word size. One of :class:`Target.Bits`. """ if self._bits is None: value = self._DEFAULT_BITS.get(self.arch) if value is None: raise NotImplementedError('Could not determine the default word size of %s architecture.' % self.arch) return value else: return self._bits @bits.setter def bits(self, value): if value is None: self._bits = None else: self._bits = Target.Bits(value) assert self._bits in self._VALID_BITS.get( self.arch, [Target.Bits.bits_32, Target.Bits.bits_64] ), '%s not supported on %s' % (self._bits, self._arch) @property def endian(self): """ The target architecture byte order. One of :class:`Target.Endian`. """ if self._endian is None: value = self._DEFAULT_ENDIAN[self.arch] if value is None: raise NotImplementedError('Could not determine the default byte order of %s architecture.' % self.arch) return value else: return self._endian @endian.setter def endian(self, endian): if endian is None: self._endian = None else: self._endian = Target.Endian(endian) assert self._endian in self._VALID_ENDIAN.get( self.arch, [Target.Endian.little, Target.Endian.big] ), '%s not supported on %s' % (self._endian, self._arch) @property def mode(self): """ The target architecture dependant flags. OR'ed values of :class:`Target.Mode`. """ return self._mode @mode.setter def mode(self, value): self._mode = int(value)
[docs] def assume(self, other): """ Assume the identity of another target. This can be useful to make the global target assume the identity of an ELF executable. Arguments: other(:class:`Target`): The target whose identity to assume. Example: >>> from pwny import * >>> target.assume(ELF('my-executable')) """ self._arch = other._arch self._bits = other._bits self._endian = other._endian self._mode = other._mode
def __repr__(self): return '%s(arch=%s,bits=%s,endian=%s,mode=%s)' % ( self.__class__.__name__,, self.bits.value,, self.mode )
target = Target() """ The global, default target. If no targeting information is provided to a function, this is the target that will be used. """