Source code for pwnypack.pickle

import base64
import types
import warnings

import six
from six.moves import cPickle, copyreg
from kwonly_args import kwonly_defaults

import pwnypack.bytecode
from pwnypack.py_internals import get_py_internals

__all__ = ['pickle_invoke', 'pickle_func']

class PickleInvoke(object):
    def __init__(self, func, *args):
        self.func = func
        self.args = args

    def __call__(self):  # pragma: no cover

    def __reduce__(self):
        return self.func, self.args

def get_protocol_version(protocol=None, target=None):
    Return a suitable pickle protocol version for a given target.

        target: The internals description of the targeted python
            version. If this is ``None`` the specification of the currently
            running python version will be used.
        protocol(None or int): The requested protocol version (or None for the
            default of the target python version).

        int: A suitable pickle protocol version.

    target = get_py_internals(target)

    if protocol is None:
        protocol = target['pickle_default_protocol']

    if protocol > cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL:
        warnings.warn('Downgrading pickle protocol, running python supports up to %d.' % cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
        protocol = cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL

    target_highest_protocol = target['pickle_highest_protocol']
    if protocol > target_highest_protocol:
        warnings.warn('Downgrading pickle protocol, target python supports up to %d.' % target_highest_protocol)
        protocol = target_highest_protocol

    return protocol

[docs]def pickle_invoke(func, target=None, protocol=None, *args): """pickle_invoke(func, *args, target=None, protocol=None) Create a byte sequence which when unpickled calls a callable with given arguments. Note: The function has to be importable using the same name on the system that unpickles this invocation. Arguments: func(callable): The function to call or class to instantiate. args(tuple): The arguments to call the callable with. target: The internals description of the targeted python version. If this is ``None`` the specification of the currently running python version will be used. protocol: The pickle protocol version to use (use None for default). Returns: bytes: The data that when unpickled calls ``func(*args)``. Example: >>> from pwny import * >>> import pickle >>> def hello(arg): ... print('Hello, %s!' % arg) ... >>> pickle.loads(pickle_invoke(hello, 'world')) Hello, world! """ protocol = get_protocol_version(protocol, target) return cPickle.dumps(PickleInvoke(func, *args), protocol)
def translate_opcodes(code_obj, target): """ Very crude inter-python version opcode translator. Raises SyntaxError when the opcode doesn't exist in the destination opmap. Used to transcribe python code objects between python versions. Arguments: code_obj(pwnypack.bytecode.CodeObject): The code object representation to translate. target(dict): The py_internals structure for the target python version. """ target = get_py_internals(target) src_ops = code_obj.disassemble() dst_opmap = target['opmap'] dst_ops = [] op_iter = enumerate(src_ops) for i, op in op_iter: if isinstance(op, pwnypack.bytecode.Label): dst_ops.append(op) continue if not in dst_opmap: if == 'POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE' and 'JUMP_IF_TRUE' in dst_opmap: lbl = pwnypack.bytecode.Label() dst_ops.extend([ pwnypack.bytecode.Op('JUMP_IF_TRUE', lbl), pwnypack.bytecode.Op('POP_TOP', None), pwnypack.bytecode.Op('JUMP_ABSOLUTE', op.arg), lbl, pwnypack.bytecode.Op('POP_TOP', None), ]) elif == 'POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE' and 'JUMP_IF_FALSE' in dst_opmap: lbl = pwnypack.bytecode.Label() dst_ops.extend([ pwnypack.bytecode.Op('JUMP_IF_FALSE', lbl), pwnypack.bytecode.Op('POP_TOP', None), pwnypack.bytecode.Op('JUMP_ABSOLUTE', op.arg), lbl, pwnypack.bytecode.Op('POP_TOP', None), ]) elif == 'JUMP_IF_FALSE' and 'JUMP_IF_FALSE_OR_POP' in dst_opmap and \ src_ops[i + 1].name == 'POP_TOP': next(op_iter) dst_ops.append(pwnypack.bytecode.Op('JUMP_IF_FALSE_OR_POP', op.arg)) elif == 'JUMP_IF_TRUE' and 'JUMP_IF_TRUE_OR_POP' in dst_opmap and \ src_ops[i + 1].name == 'POP_TOP': next(op_iter) dst_ops.append(pwnypack.bytecode.Op('JUMP_IF_TRUE_OR_POP', op.arg)) else: raise SyntaxError('Opcode %s not supported on target.' % else: dst_ops.append(op) code_obj.assemble(dst_ops, target) @kwonly_defaults
[docs]def pickle_func(func, target=None, protocol=None, b64encode=None, *args): """pickle_func(func, *args, target=None, protocol=None, b64encode=None) Encode a function in such a way that when it's unpickled, the function is reconstructed and called with the given arguments. Note: Compatibility between python versions is not guaranteed. Depending on the `target` python version, the opcodes of the provided function are transcribed to try to maintain compatibility. If an opcode is emitted which is not supported by the target python version, a KeyError will be raised. Constructs that are known to be problematic: - Python 2.6 and 2.7/3.0 use very different, incompatible opcodes for conditional jumps (if, while, etc). Serializing those is not always possible between python 2.6 and 2.7/3.0. - Exception handling uses different, incompatible opcodes between python 2 and 3. - Python 2 and python 3 handle nested functions very differently: the same opcode is used in a different way and leads to a crash. Avoid nesting functions if you want to pickle across python functions. Arguments: func(callable): The function to serialize and call when unpickled. args(tuple): The arguments to call the callable with. target: The internals description of the targeted python version. If this is ``None`` the specification of the currently running python version will be used. protocol(int): The pickle protocol version to use. b64encode(bool): Whether to base64 certain code object fields. Required when you prepare a pickle for python 3 on python 2. If it's ``None`` it defaults to ``False`` unless pickling from python 2 to python 3. Returns: bytes: The data that when unpickled calls ``func(*args)``. Example: >>> from pwny import * >>> import pickle >>> def hello(arg): ... print('Hello, %s!' % arg) ... >>> p = pickle_func(hello, 'world') >>> del hello >>> pickle.loads(p) Hello, world! """ target = get_py_internals(target) code = six.get_function_code(func) code_obj = pwnypack.bytecode.CodeObject.from_code(code) translate_opcodes(code_obj, target) def code_reduce_v2(_): if b64encode: # b64encode co_code and co_lnotab as they contain 8bit data. co_code = PickleInvoke(base64.b64decode, base64.b64encode(code_obj.co_code)) co_lnotab = PickleInvoke(base64.b64decode, base64.b64encode(code_obj.co_lnotab)) else: co_code = code_obj.co_code co_lnotab = code_obj.co_lnotab if six.PY3: # Encode unicode to bytes as python 2 doesn't support unicode identifiers. co_names = tuple(n.encode('ascii') for n in code_obj.co_names) co_varnames = tuple(n.encode('ascii') for n in code_obj.co_varnames) co_filename = code_obj.co_filename.encode('ascii') co_name = code_obj.co_name.encode('ascii') else: co_names = code_obj.co_names co_varnames = code_obj.co_varnames co_filename = code_obj.co_filename co_name = code_obj.co_name return types.CodeType, (code_obj.co_argcount, code_obj.co_nlocals, code_obj.co_stacksize, code_obj.co_flags, co_code, code_obj.co_consts, co_names, co_varnames, co_filename, co_name, code_obj.co_firstlineno, co_lnotab) def code_reduce_v3(_): if b64encode: # b64encode co_code and co_lnotab as they contain 8bit data. co_code = PickleInvoke(base64.b64decode, base64.b64encode(code_obj.co_code)) co_lnotab = PickleInvoke(base64.b64decode, base64.b64encode(code_obj.co_lnotab)) else: co_code = code_obj.co_code co_lnotab = code_obj.co_lnotab return types.CodeType, (code_obj.co_argcount, code_obj.co_kwonlyargcount, code_obj.co_nlocals, code_obj.co_stacksize, code_obj.co_flags, co_code, code_obj.co_consts, code_obj.co_names, code_obj.co_varnames, code_obj.co_filename, code_obj.co_name, code_obj.co_firstlineno, co_lnotab) # Stubs to trick cPickle into pickling calls to CodeType/FunctionType. class CodeType(object): # pragma: no cover pass CodeType.__module__ = 'types' CodeType.__qualname__ = 'CodeType' class FunctionType(object): # pragma: no cover pass FunctionType.__module__ = 'types' FunctionType.__qualname__ = 'FunctionType' protocol = get_protocol_version(protocol, target) old_code_reduce = copyreg.dispatch_table.pop(types.CodeType, None) if target['version'] < 300: copyreg.pickle(types.CodeType, code_reduce_v2) else: if six.PY2: if b64encode is False: warnings.warn('Enabling b64encode, pickling from python 2 to 3.') b64encode = True copyreg.pickle(types.CodeType, code_reduce_v3) # This has an astonishing level of evil just to convince pickle to pickle CodeType and FunctionType: old_code_type, types.CodeType = types.CodeType, CodeType old_function_type, types.FunctionType = types.FunctionType, FunctionType try: build_func = PickleInvoke(types.FunctionType, code, PickleInvoke(globals)) return cPickle.dumps(PickleInvoke(build_func, *args), protocol) finally: types.CodeType = old_code_type types.FunctionType = old_function_type if old_code_reduce is not None: copyreg.pickle(types.CodeType, old_code_reduce) else: del copyreg.dispatch_table[types.CodeType]